Fastest Performance

One Package To Fit All Your Email Hosting Needs!

Powerful, yet simple, reliable email @ your domain, with no need to change your hosting plan! Unlimited to keep it simple. 

Unlimited Email

Complete email with no worries about data limits.




  • Unlimited Storage
  • Unlimited Emails
  •  10 Email Accounts
  • Spam Filters
  • Complete SSL Encryption
  • Mobile and Desktop Sync
    Ad-Free Webmail
  • No Data Sold to Advertisers. EVER.

Nytro Host's Guarantees

The simple things to know why we are so great.

All your devices, all in sync.

Link your new custom email with apps like Apple Mail on iPhone and Mac. Also link easily on Android and PC using the default mail app.

Money Back Guarantee

Not happy with your first 14 days with us? Send us a message why you’re not happy and we’ll refund you no questions asked after that. 

SPAM Filters

SPAM is annoying and can lead to viruses and data theft. With our industry leading filters it protects against unwanted and disingenuous email messages. 

SSL Encryption

Encryption occurs during during the entire transaction process of data. This makes the entire use of our service secure and private. Always.

No website? No problem.

NytroHost email works with any domain name you own — even if it’s registered, hosted, or parked somewhere else.  

Get your Secure Email Account

Whether you need help or just want some tips on where to start: hit up our experts anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

We might have an answer below.

You betcha. As unlimited as it gets. Just keep in mind if activity is suspicious or well above the average power user we will leave a notice. If unrealistic activity for an even large business continues, then the account will be terminated after proper warning. This is to protect other users from abuse of our servers and diminished performance.  

All this means is when you choose an available domain your email address will be So whatever domain you register is after the @ symbol and whatever name you choose in front of the @ symbol becomes your email. So if you choose an available  domain such as “” then can be your custom email! 

Yes, you will need to own at least one domain name, purchased either through NytroHost or another registrar. If your domain is registered outside of NytroHost, we can help you configure the necessary DNS records. 

NytroHost offers a wide variety of TLDs to choose from to showcase your business and brand. Free WHOIS privacy protection is included for the life of your eligible domain.

All of NytroHost’s web hosting plans include email hosting. NytroHost’s email plans are perfect for customers, as well as anyone with a ‘parked’ domain registration without hosting.